Category: heat-resistant materials

The Most Heat Resistant Material–Tantalum the Metal

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Introduction In the relentless quest for materials that can endure extreme temperatures, tantalum emerges as a shining star. Known for its exceptional heat resistance, tantalum is not just a metal; it’s a super-metal that withstands the scorching heat of furnaces and high-temperature environments. This article embarks on a journey to explore tantalum’s remarkable heat-resistant properties, […]

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Get the Most Suitable Crucible for Your Lab

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Introduction Crucibles are essential components used in laboratories or research facilities where high-temperature processes are carried out. They are used to hold and heat samples or substances to very high temperatures for analysis, purification, or other applications. Crucibles are made of various materials, including ceramics, glass, metals, and alloys, and come in different shapes and […]

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Molybdenum Lanthanum Alloy vs Pure Molybdenum

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Introduction Molybdenum is a highly versatile metal that is widely used in various industries due to its excellent properties such as high melting point, good thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance. There are a variety of molybdenum metals and alloys available in the market, including pure molybdenum and the molybdenum lanthanum alloy. In this article, we […]

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How Is Molybdenum Metal Used in Vacuum Furnace Hot Zone?

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Introduction Molybdenum metal is employed in a variety of industries like electronics, semiconductors, glass-making, and most importantly heating applications. For instance, there is a range of vacuum furnace hot zones made from molybdenum metal. Figure 1. Molybdenum Sheets Therefore, this article is going to explore how molybdenum metal is applied to manufacture heating apparatus using […]

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Molybdenum Electrodes for Glass Furnaces


Introduction The glass manufacturing industry is boosting with a market of 106.44 billion dollars in 2021[1], and millions of tons of glass are produced every day using molybdenum electrodes and other agents. Here, we are going to focus on glass melting and the molybdenum electrodes it employs. Hope that you can have a better understanding […]

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Top 10 Materials with the Highest Thermal Conductivity in the World

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What Is Thermal Conductivity? Thermal conductivity (denoted by k, λ, or κ) refers to a material’s ability to conduct heat at specific temperature and pressure, and it is measured in W/m•K (watts per meter-Kelvin). Highly thermally conductive materials are used to make heat sinks. Materials that transfer heat slowly act as excellent insulators. Different materials […]

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Comparing the Melting Points of Alloys with Their Constituent Metals

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1.   Introduction to Alloys An alloy is a blend of 2 or more chemical elements, one of which is supposed to be metal. Different substances of controlled amount are added to a metal to form alloys with desirable properties. Examples of alloys like stainless steel, bronze, and brass are applied to various fields including construction, […]

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7 Most Abundant Metal Elements in Earth’s Crust

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Introduction The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth, making up 1% of the planet. It is composed of solid rocks and minerals formed, which are usually slowly formed over a long period of time. A range of elements can be found in the Earth’s crust, among which 7 of the 10 most abundant […]

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Why are Refractory Metals Used in Nuclear Reactions?


Refractory metals are metallic elements of the periodic table with unique properties such as extremely high melting points. However, they can remain solid at room temperature. These characteristics make these materials ideal for research-based and critical nuclear reactions. What Are Refractory Metals? Refractory metals possess a melting point above 2,000° Celsius (3,632° F) and are […]

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Refractory metals are a group of metallic elements that are highly resistant to heat, wear, and tear. These metals are popular and widely used because of their unique and desirable properties and behaviors, especially their resistance to corrosion and their extraordinary resistance to wear and heat. These refractory metals are mostly used in the fields […]

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